Friday, June 19, 2009

Holy Cow!!

So being that we are POOR students still and for years to come, we make negative income. It does have its perks. We qualify for a lot of help. Last time I was preg, I was on WIC. I loved it. We could barely drink all the fresh milk I got a month. Then we also got free formula for Rhylan--that stuff adds up fast ($100 a month). So I have been putting off applying for WIC becasue I needed to do several things first. Anyways today I finally did it!! It only took 3 HOURS. Surprisingly Rhylan was so good during the whole thing. She even had to get her finger pricked and didn't even wince. Then we went and got our food for June:

Between Rhylan and I we got:
24 quarts of shelvable 2% milk
8 quarts of shelvable chocolate milk
8 cans of evap milk
1 bag of pinto beans
1 jar of peanut butter
3 pints of liquid eggs
4 packs of dry eggs
6 boxes of cereal
4 lbs of cheese
12 can of juice con.

Some questions:
How in the heck can I use all this in one month?
Where am I going to store it?
What is dry eggs?
What is shelvable milk going to taste like?
Does anyone else get exhausted hauling all this stuff from the car, up the stairs, to your house in 90+ weather?


Justin, Jessica, Kyleigh & Mason said...

I understand exactly what you mean about hauling groceries upstairs!! We lived on the 2nd floor too and going up the steps in the end of May, 8 months preg was not fun!!!

Lant Family said...

Yeah that is alot of food. That is why I never went back to re-register in December. I knew I would get tons being pregnant. I am thinking I may have to go back to get back on so we can get some formula. I am not sure. I made breakfast burritos with those liquid eggs. It took 18 eggs and it was great because JJ would eat them in the morning for school. I have never tasted the milk but Lucy is still drinking stuff from last fall, I mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with regular milk. She doesn't seem to mind. Luna said she cooks with her milk.

Chris and Sue Knight said...

Wow fun stuff. Looks like you'll be finding ways to be cleaver with your food.

who's checking