Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rhylan knows colors and shapes

Today we were coloring and Rhylan surprised me!! See the last picture.

I colored in the key on the bottom and told her what it meant. Then she grabbed a red crayon and started coloring in the circles! She was so focused and was really trying to fill in each shape as completely as she could before moving on to the next! Most of the time she just scribbles and then turns and page and does it again. I couldn't believe her focus. I am pretty proud right now!


Chris and Sue Knight said...

oh yeah that is really cool that she understood. and coloring so well that her age, unbelievable. mom
wish we could've seen his smile too.
have fun with Tiffany.

Chasing Izzy said...

what a smart little cookie.
neat coloring book. where'd you get it?

Margaret Pratt said...

Totally impressive!

who's checking