Friday, October 1, 2010

The sights of the fair

Here is what the fair looked like for us!
(We didn't actually go on any of the rides this time. We went to 2 shows and the petting zoo, those pics are still coming...someday)

I love when I can get a good pic with my kids. I think I will cherish this picture always. Riley took this pic of us waiting for the alligator show. Rhylan is my little helper, buddy, and tag-a-long. She always wants to help me or do what I am doing. I love having her around all day. She is the best company, we play, read, watch movies, color, make crafts, and have fun.


Chris and Sue Knight said...

it's amazing how good company our children are to us ,even when so young. It is a sweat memory.

Chris and Sue Knight said...

it's amazing how good company our children are to us ,even when so young. It is a sweat memory.

Margaret Pratt said...

Awww! You two look so pretty!

who's checking