Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gracin is almost 9 months

We will be out of town when Gracin turns 9 months old so I'm doing this a little early. I already took him to the Dr. He is 22 lb 4 oz, 28.5 in long... kind of short and fat... surprise surprise! This last month has been a crazy one for him.

Here are 9 little things he learned, tried, or does!
1. He learned how to get into a sitting position from being on his tummy.
2. He learned how to put himself up to a standing position. (he loves to stand by the window)
3. Just on Wednesday he finally stopped army crawling and picked up that big belly (one of the first times is pictures below)
4. Started crawling down the hallway in search of adventure.
5. Tried out a swimming pool and absolutely loved it. He cries when I take him out of our little pool in the back yard...CRIES!! He never cries:)
6. Was found standing in his crib.
7. Tried many new foods (pasta, cheese, french fry, pulled pork, ham, chicken, pizza, egg yolk, grass)
8. Went up a diaper size!! I never even bought this size for Rhylan:)
9. Will probably have at least one front tooth by the time he actually turns 9 months. (I can see the white part it right there!)

(These are not his 9 month photos, I'll do those on Vacation!!--Check back soon)


Mauricio and Tiffany said...

Short and fat I love it!

Dah! Vacation I wish I was going to be there......oh well I suppose.
Have a fun trip!

Rachel said...

Sounds so much like Grady 1 month ago! Can't wait to see you!

who's checking