Thursday, April 22, 2010

This face...

Before, I said Gracin is difficult to take pictures of because when we are outside he is always:

Looking at stuff...

Playing with stuff...

Or eating stuff...
Those are just some pictures to prove it!!!! Gracin please look at the camera! I am sure my neighbors think I am crazy. They can probably hear me making all sorts of weird noises with my mouth to get him to look my way. And I am sure they must know his name by now... I say it so much trying to gain his attention!
Here is my favorite face... Its Gracin's happy face. He does this face all the time. Isn't it sweet?


Britney and Kevin said...

I love the "scrunching the nose" face. ( that right? :) He's getting so big!

Mauricio and Tiffany said...

Oh that face is probably so fun to wake up to!

Rachel said...

You're not alone. I'm sure all my neighbors think I'm crazy too. I love the happy face, by the way!

who's checking