Tuesday, August 10, 2010

6:00 pm

He was moving those arms so fast!!

It was finally cool enough at 6:00 p.m. last night for us to go out and play. The kids hadn't used the sprinkler park for a week or two and had a great time waiting for Daddy to come home. Gracin kept trying to drink the water spraying like a drinking fountain. And Rhylan would run down the hill and slide into the pool. They both had a great time making big splashes. And I as usual, enjoyed watching them and laughing at their funny ideas!


Chris and Sue Knight said...

it blows me away at how much he loves water

Rachel said...

Gracin drinking out of that water spout is just way too cute!

Mauricio and Tiffany said...

I want to play! They just have so much stinkin fun in that backyard! I am pretty sure Gracin was supposed to be born as a dolphin.....you know because he is so smart ;) Oh and he likes water.

Angi Gerrie said...

Can we come play???

who's checking