Thursday, August 19, 2010

Park Day

Tuesday was park day. We were only ones who showed up. After about 3 min of being there, I got freaked out. There was this very suspicious guy watching me...really, he was just staring at us from a walking path. I kept waiting for him to move along with his walk, but he just stood there watching us. So I collected my children and moved to the car. As soon as we started walking to the car, he started walking toward us. Luckily our car was in the very first parking spot. After I got the doors locked I looked up and he was sitting on the bench right where we were playing. Rhylan was pretty sad that we had to leave but I got teach her a good lesson on strangers. Later I found out she thought I was talking about butterflies called strangers...

So we drove across town to a different park. Instead of playing in the playground the kids wanted to explore the "forest." Here are some fun pics I took with my phone. Rhylan was setting up a camp, digging in the dirt, and checking out caterpillars and Gracin was eating dirt, hauling sticks, and checking out trees.

(This was one thing she got to do before we left in a hurry)


Mauricio and Tiffany said...

So creepy! Go vigilant mommy.

Mauricio and Tiffany said...

Oh by the way I do love the dating divas I check it all the time. I got this cute idea and A LOT of others from I like it even better than the other one! You'll like it!

who's checking