Saturday, January 19, 2013

80* at the zoo!

One day in January it was extremely warm!  It was over 80*!!  It was a perfect day for the kids and I to head to the zoo.  We have an annual pass and love to go often.  Gracin usually asks me a few times a week if we can go to the zoo.  He grabs his hat (not minding if he has pants on or even shoes) and says "I have my hat on, go to the zoo!!"  I was glad to make his day.

We really like to spend some time looking at the Giraffes.  They have 4-5 here and they are very friendly. 

Hazel can actually see the Giraffes and enjoys watching them too.

Here is the oldest animal at the zoo! They don't know actually how old he is.  He was caught over 50 years ago.  He is gigantic. I wish there was some sort of reference next to him so you can see his size.
The kids have fun in the bird aviaries.  They peek under bushes and chase all sorts of birds around just to get a better look.

Here is our favorite animal at the zoo!  These otters are so fun to watch.  They are usually swimming around doing tricks.

Rhylan the bird--she asked I take this picture as she said "caw caw!"

who's checking