Sunday, November 25, 2012

The ball

Learning to sit has challenges.  Like when you see toys you want to play with that are just out of reach.  While Hazel was working on her sitting skills, I put this ball right in front of her.  She stayed put!  She loves pushing all the buttons, listening to the songs and sounds, and watching the lights blink and the ball roll around all by itself!  Hazel loves this toy.


In Oregon we were excited for some serious rain!!  But unfortunately, we left before that all happened.  Here in Tucson we have seen only one day of sprinkles... But it was enough to get excited and run outside to play.  Rhylan couldn't find an umbrella... no worries!

I just uploaded almost 500 pictures...

Yes, 500 from my memory card!! Oh boy, do I have some work ahead of me.  Stay tuned these next few/several days as I try and put the ones I love, up here for your enjoyment and my memories:)

First thing--Hazel turned 7 months old!!!
Weight- 17 lb 13 oz (50%)
Height- 26.75 in (50%)
Head 43.5 (?%)

*She had two teeth come through this month
*She likes to blow raspberries in the air
*She learned how to scoot
*She learned how to sit without help
*She finally FINALLY started eating baby food
*She has major stranger anxiety-- loves mom
*She likes going for our daily walks to get Rhylan from the bus stop
*She likes bath time
*She likes to ride in the Bjorn--although she is getting pretty heavy!
*She also survived her second HUGE move in her young life- Brookings OR to Tucson AZ

7 month pictures of sweet Hazel

Monday, November 12, 2012

Crawling not scooting

Today is the first day Hazel started to crawl and not scooting. I love her arms going really high in the air:)

Watch "Hazel crawls now" on YouTube

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Agua Caliente

I got a new lens!!!  I had a perfect day to try it out.  We went to this neat park I found online.  Reviews said that they didn't even feel like they were in Tucson anymore.  I feel the same.  This was the first time I saw grass since we moved here:)  There was a little pond with ducks, tons of palm trees, it was beautiful.  I think I found a new place to take family pictures if I ever get back into it here.  It's hard to build a client base from scratch. 

The kids had so much fun exploring and feeding the ducks.

Yes Hazel was there too!

On our drive home the sun was bouncing off this mountain, I thought it was so neat!  Wish we weren't driving when I took this pic but oh well--still go a saguaro cactus!
Here was our view as we pulled into our neighborhood.  Our dessert home can be pretty too:)
This was another night I went to check the mail, I just couldn't get over these colors!!  I didn't edit this picture at all that is straight out of my camera!  Amazing right?  Arizona sunsets are beautiful!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

When this smarty is at school...

 ...learning to read and write!! (She made this sentence all by herself while I was making dinner.  She was so proud to read it to me!  I was also one proud momma.)
The rest of us are chilling at home:)
blowing raspberries!
Or playing trains without pants on...

Friday, November 9, 2012


Her smile gets bigger every day! 

She had 2 teeth come through in October!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

These faces..

They make me laugh!!:)

who's checking