Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Binki Duty

Rhylan has really wanted to help me lately. Here are just a few things she can do around the house:
1. After we get home, she wants her shoes off and she will go put them in a basket by the door!!
2. When it is time to go she will go get all of our shoes, I usually get a pair of Riley's but she gets the idea.
3. When I am doing laundry, I can hand her wet clothes and she will put them in the dryer.
4. She will close any door you ask her to.
5. This is my favorite one. After she wakes up she usually throws all of her binkies out of her crib in protest...I'm a deep sleeper and sometimes it takes me a while before I hear her awake. Today we went in her room later and she started picking up all 10 binkies from the floor and putting them in her crib through the bars. She knows she only has binkies at bed time. I was so proud. She didn't even try to sneak one in her mouth she knew right where they went. So I had to get a couple of pictures of this.


Margaret Pratt said...

What a smart little girl! I love watching them learn new things!

Chris and Sue Knight said...

She is so good. All the pics are so cute. I miss her!!

The Heiner's said...

She has 10 binkies?!?! Wow! That's awesome! How cute that she knows when she can have them and when she can't! Smart girl!!!!

Mauricio and Tiffany said...

Um is she wearing and anklet?

Hasegawa Crew said...

She is so cute, I can't believe she threw her binkis back in the crib that is awesome.

Janda said...

Girl no one thinks your a blog-o-holic!! Just a proud parent, and a awesome daughter!! I cant imagine how your parents feel having her there all summer, and then not getting to see her at all! Keep up the good Blogging!! She is so precious!!

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