We made another little weekend trip, this time to St Louis. We have to get in as many of these weekend getaways before we leave the south for good at the end of the summer!!
Riley LOVES Poison Dart Frogs, and there is a reptile show every 3-4 months in St Louis that actually has these frogs. We haven't been able to see many of them before so he was really excited to go. He has been asking me to go for almost 2 year now:) Finally we made plans, yes 2 days before boards, but that wasn't a big deal. We were gone for a total of 27 hours, he studied while I drove, and one of the days was a Sunday, so he wouldn't have been studying anyway. So really he lost no study time:)
Riley made the kids these shirts to wear to the show.

Saying "oooo" at the TV show.

Rhylan also really likes frogs. She loves going to these shows. Riley has so much fun showing her each animal, letting her pet a VIPER!!!!-- Yeah didn't know about that one until we were in the car!!!! She is so brave and outgoing.
Here are a few of the frogs. They really are beautiful and colorful.

This isn't a poison dart frog, but I thought he was cool!

This guy too--Halloween Crab!

Gracin was getting a little tired of looking at everybody's legs and the bottom of tables from the stroller. So, I took him out into the hall for some snacks and a little Toy Story. That made him happy again.

So I decided we couldn't leave St Louis without seeing the historic Gateway Arch. Do you see it there in the skyline? To the left?

It was so much bigger than I imagined!

Here I am up close to it, that is one of the "legs" I'm standing next to.