Friday, July 6, 2012

I have a problem!!! I have finally run out of free space on my blogs!!! So instead of paying a monthly fee I started a new blog. It took me 4 years to fill all my space the last time so it should be a while again before I have to make a new one. But, I also thought it was kind of fitting that I start a new blog to start our new phase of life!! Anyways, if you check my blog and still want to see more exciting happenings in our life please leave a comment here with your e-mail. The new blog isn't private yet but I will make it private soon. PLEASE LEAVE ME YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS so I can invite you to the new blog. For now you can check it out here:


Rachel said...

Mauricio and Tiffany said... and yes I AM a stalker, but add me anyways!

Ginny said...

jackolson said...

Watt Family said...

Justin, Jessica, Kyleigh & Mason said...

The Sullengers said...

I would love an invited

carasullenger at yahoo

R and A Lambert said...

just left a comment on your facebook about the blog you might want to try. if not, we want another invite too!

Skylar & Chanell said...

Brittany H said...

I'd love an invite! heinerfam at gmail

BTW - So excited you finally got your stuff!!!!

who's checking