Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rhylan's surprises us all the time!

Rhylan is so smart I think. She may not seem like she is paying attention. But really, she is. She can usually repeat word for word what she hears from me or teachers, when asked. Today while we were getting ready for church she said this to Riley:

"Don't close the door all the way Dad, otherwise I can't get in!"

Otherwise!!!!---We didn't know she knew that word and could use it in such a complex sentence.
Gracin is becoming a little smarty too! He can put his shoes in the basket, clean up a little mess e.g. split crayons. And can follow simple commands. He however CANNOT stay away from the computer. He discovered this trick the other day to reach the mouse even when I try to put it out of his reach:

Both the kids have loved our new jungle gym! All I have to do to get a free 45 min to cook dinner is pull the cushions off the couch. Rhylan thinks it is fun to jump from cushion to cushion. And Gracin thinks it is fun to climb up and fall down over and over.


Mauricio and Tiffany said...

What a smart girl she is! The last time I talked on the phone with her I was amazed at the sentences she used. I LOVE the last picture of Gracin with his crazy hair!

Cleona said...

A pretty smart mommy too.

Rachel said...

Yeah, I think babies are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, and then when they grow older and start talking well we start to see just how smart they were all along! Luke totally ruined our computer mouse when he was little.

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