Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I got a little ambitious the other day. I am interested in Once A Month Cooking, well kind of. I don't really want to eat casserole type meals every day. And I don't mind cooking sometimes I just like the idea of not cooking and having a meal in the freezer I can just pull out. So I went and found a ton of recipes that looked good and tried 3 this week.

Here I am mid process. It is nice to get everything out and clean up for 7 meals all at one time!!

Here I have a couple things cooking at one time--what a time saver.
And here are my 3 dishes. Note: you need really big bowls to do this!
This made 7 meals!! I am also excited about the way I wraped them this time. I just put foil on top and slid them into a freezer bag. I wrote on the top of the foil so I didn't ruin my bag and also the bags don't even get dirty! Totally reusable.
Now.... what to make for dinner?

Links to the 3 recipes I used!

Cheesy Ham and potatoes
Chicken Chili Casserole
Beef and Broccoli


Lant Family said...

This is on my "to-do" list over break to get ready for baby to come. Maybe I will have to do one of those. Good work! Don't you just love to pull things out and have dinner all ready!

Luna said...

I have a bunch of recipes. I can pass some along if you like. Let me know how the beef and broccoli turns out. I haven't found a good freezing recipe yet.

Macie said...

Sweet! I love that idea. I agree that I wouldn't want to eat casseroles everyday but what a time saver! Congrats on your baby!

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