Friday, August 14, 2009

Enjoying Gracin

Riley has been home this week recovering from a surgery. He hasn't been able to help much at all. But yesterday he was finally able to hold Gracin for a little bit. Gracin sure loves to sleep on Riley. It is pretty sweet. Here are a couple pictures of us enjoying our little baby!

Rhylan is using her princess camera to take a picture of daddy and Gracin just like mommy did.

We have had so much help lately from friends. Thank you to everyone who has been so nice to our family. We have had meals, babysitting, grocery shopping done for us, prescription run, took Rhylan to church, picked Riley up from the hospital, a blessing, and many many more offers to help and tons of phone calls. Riley is feeling better today, THANK YOU!

I have been trying to see the blessing in this took several days for me to find it. I had not even gotten used to taking care of two children when I had to take care of my husband as well (he couldn't do much for himself at all) But I think Heavenly Father was blessing me in a way. Once Riley is all better and goes back to work, two kids is going to seek like a cake walk!!!


Rachel said...

I'm sorry you've had a hard week. I had no idea. I wish there was something I could have done. To answer your question, Grady's cousins were both born July 21st only 30 min. apart to different mothers. Grady is 32 days older than them.

Lant Family said...

I am so glad he is starting to feel better! That is so nice he was able to hold Gracin, I bet it has been hard for him to not help out. Let us know if you still need things. We need to have Rhylan over to play with Lucy. Lucy would love it!

Chasing Izzy said...

oh I love that pic of Gracin's hand by his cheek. what a cutie!

Margaret Pratt said...

We have been thinking of you everyday!

who's checking