Monday, August 31, 2009

U.S. Citizen!!!

Last Wednesday was a pretty special day at our house. Riley was sworn in as a U.S. citizen!! It has been a stressful, expensive, demanding, and tedious process. It started 4 years ago and we are finally finished. (That is a relatively short time I hear.) We plan on living here in the US so we both thought it would be a good thing for him to do. It was a little sad for him to swear in the oath to declare allegiance to the US and none other (Canada). But I am grateful for his sacrifice and know he did it for our family. Just because on paper he is American now, doesn't mean that his Canadian heritage is gone!! We are excited to share that part of him with our family! Congratulations Riley!!--and Thanks.

Here are some pictures of his "Oath and Ceremony"

Here he is waiting out side for the Ceremony to start.

He is right in the middle smiling!--Again waiting for it to start--I had to stand in the back.

There were people from 19 different countries there, 1 from Canada. Here he is stating his name and country.

Taking the Oath.

Listening to a welcome speech from Pres. Obama (video)

Big Moment!

It is official now!


Mauricio and Tiffany said...

awesome dude, i bet you're happy to get that process over with. just one thing; i like you're present accent, don't trade it for a southern one aye.

Mauricio and Tiffany said...

ps that was mauricio. You'll always be a crazy canuck to me! love tiff

Lant Family said...

Welcome to America :) I am glad the process is finally over.

Julie said...

Awesome for Riley and your family!! ok I just have to ask - what kind of baby sling do you have on?!! Cuz I really like it!!

Angi Gerrie said...

Congrats! Isn't it great that your kids have citizenship for both countries? I was so happy to hear that when we moved hear!

who's checking