Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The worst thing ever...again.

Yesterday I rode in an ambulance to the ER with Gracin. He had a high fever since Sunday night and most of Monday I was trying to keep it down with meds. We gave him his last dose at 11:30 pm. Then, Tuesday morning we heard him over the baby monitor having a seizure. I called 911 right away. We kind of knew what was going on because 2 years ago, Rhylan had a febrile seizure. Gracin is actually only 1 week younger than she was. We were so lucky Riley hadn't left for school yet, another 10 min and he would have been gone!

I was so scared. I hate seeing my children like that, it makes me sad, terrified, worried, and anxious. Unless you've been thorough it its hard to explain. He didn't start responding to us until after we were in the ambulance. We think the seizure lasted about 1 min and then he was unresponsive for about 5 min. After that, he was moaning and crying, from all the pain from the high (102.9) fever and seizure. I can't imagine the head ache he had. The Dr found it was an ear infection that caused the fever and put him on antibiotics. We were only at the hospital for 3 hrs. We were there for 2 days with Rhylan. The rest of the day we monitored his fever, which was really high the rest of the day. During the night especially. Last night we were up with him most of the night. At 2:00am it was up to 103.9!!!! I was really nervous. We couldn't give him more medicine with out overdoes. All we could do was try and cool him down and pray and give him a blessing.

I took him into his pediatrician this morning. She gave us some more advice. I was ready to go home but I had a flat tire!!!! Really I did. I had to call AAA and wait an hour in the waiting room with a cranky, feverish baby. No fun. But we are all home and Riley was finally able to get back to school to get to his patients he had starting at 1:00pm today. Its been a rough week:)

This afternoon, his fever isn't so bad when I give him Tylenol and Motrin every 4-6 hrs. He also started eating again and drinking milk. Yesterday he would only have pediallight and shaved ice. I offered several things he refused all. And maybe by the end of the week he will wear clothes again.

Thanks friends for helping watch Rhylan and for calling to make sure we were okay. It sure is nice to have great friends when family is so far away.


R and A Lambert said...

That's so scary. I'm glad he's doing better. Sorry for the flat--we've been having the same problem lately and finally had to get new tires. Let us know if you need anything!

Mauricio and Tiffany said...

I'm sorry this happened to you again. We love you guys and hope Gracin is feeling better. We tried to call today to tell you that we love you. I am sure you guys are busy with the little man but know we are thinking about him and you.

Brittany H said...

I'm sorry you had to go through that again! I've been worried all day that Jefferson is going to have another one. Especially when he threw up all his Tylenol! Chasing fevers and being scared all the time is no fun. Let us know if you need anything!

Julie said...

oh girl that is so sad. I am so glad that he is ok now! how scary that must of been! Hope things start looking up soon for you guys.

oh ya I bet it's the same girl that took Rhylans pic's - I delivered at Timp Hospital but they are both mountain star and I'm sure she goes to both - how funny! She is good!

Katie B said...

That is so so scary. I'm glad things are going better. Feel better Gracin!

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