Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gracin at 7 1/2 months

Well, Gracin has been growing like crazy! He is in 12-18 month clothes and helping me build muscles. He has kind of lost interest in crawling. He doesn't get up on his hands and knees anymore. But... he can get around. He lays on his tummy and can spin in any direction, then he starts rolling that way. Ta da... across the room to that special book or toy in no time. Who needs to crawl when you figured out your own way. I am pretty happy actually, that he can't crawl. I don't really want that day to come.

He has however learned some other new tricks. He loves to climb and pull himself up on any surface low enough... drawers, laundry baskets, chairs, Rhylan... He also has started saying his first word "Ba-ba" that means "I AM HUNGRY, WHERE IS MY BOTTLE" He is always saying this when he wakes up and pretty much every 2-3 hours after that. Of course that is his first word, the little oinker! His newest trick is clapping. All I have to say is "Gracin can you clap?" and away he goes. He is pretty proud of this trick.

Oh, and I used to be sad about little boy clothes... not any more he sure looks cute in these fun new clothes!


Mauricio and Tiffany said...

OH that first picture! You are so good at taking pictures. It doesn't hurt that your subject is such a cute little studmuffin!

The Sullengers said...

I too love boy clothes, they just aren't as fun to make - I'd rather buy them! I'll leave the clothes making for when and if I have a girl! He is a doll!

Rachel said...

What a cutie! I love that hat!

Heidi Joncas said...

Love that hat!

Chris and Sue Knight said...

he is growing too fast. he sure is cute in new boy clothes

Chris and Sue Knight said...

the pictures with riley and gracin on your etsy site are so cute, and the ties look great.

Cleona said...

Your kids are so cute! I just love looking at them. You should have like 8 or 9 more at least.

Colette said...

He is so cute...I love his little outfits...especially the hat!!

who's checking