Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ward Conference

Today we had ward conference. I guess it is pretty special around here. When we pulled into church only a few min late, we were able to get the VERY LAST parking spot in the lot! People had to double park. As we walked to the chapel we could hear they were singing. We didn't know if it was opening song or the sacrament hymn but we were excited either way...we didn't miss the sacrament!! Being to church on time is getting hard, our goal is to make it for the sacrament:) You never know when a little baby will poop in the tub and set you back 20 min-Gracin. So, we scoot into the chapel and sit in some chairs in the last couple rows. As we sit down the song ends, prayer, whew, we made it! As soon as the prayer is over every one starts to stand up???? We seriously were wondering whats going on? Did we miss something? Is there a big meeting or something in another room? Are we spitting up for special speakers from the stake? The our friend Murray comes over to us with a big smile. I ask "whats going on?" He kind of laughed and said "spring forward!" Oh man, we did it again. In November it took us a few min in an empty church parking lot to realize what was going on. We were so embarrassed. We snuck in to the chapel just for the closing prayer. I am sure people were wondering why didn't they just stay in the hall for those 2 min?


Chris and Sue Knight said...

oh so embarrassing. Thats a classic. laughed sooo hard. I would have died, you know me and getting somewhere late totaly stresses me out. mom

Heidi Joncas said...

HA HA! That is too funny and exactly something I would do.

Lant Family said...

JJ almost sent Riley a text yesterday morning to remind you guys since we knew you guys forgot in the fall. I said no don't bother them, they probably know.

Mauricio and Tiffany said...

BAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA!!! That's all I have to say about that!

Rachel said...

That's funny! I'm glad we don't have Daylight Savings Time over here!

The Sullengers said...

I didn't even notice you walk in late! How funny! I really liked your hair on Sunday though and didn't get the chance to tell you.

who's checking