Sunday, October 17, 2010

Reptile show!!

Saturday, our family outing was going to the reptile show here in our town. There were hundreds of reptiles, frogs, spiders, bugs, and mice...snake food. I really do hate snakes but it was okay, and not scary. They actually are pretty to photograph.

I liked the turtles, tortoises and the Red Eyed tree frogs. I have actually had a pet turtle and frog before so, they didn't weird me out.
Riley really liked the Red Eyed tree frogs and the poison arrow frogs.

Rhylan liked the Bearded Dragon and the chameleons.

Riley made Rhylan this great scavenger hunt to do while we were at the reptile show.

Here she is, on the scavenger hunt.
I have a few questions...who would want a 6 inch scorpion as a pet? What fun is a tarantula? Why would you bring your 5 foot iguana to a reptile show? Why would you want a pet that makes you say this: "I'm loosing feeling in my arm!"

This was just on of 30 tables covered in containers of snakes and lizards.


Natasha said...

Looks like it was a lot of fun. We saw signs for the show but didn't know much about it so we didn't stop, I guess we should have. :)

Mauricio and Tiffany said...

You have very valid questions in my opinion. What a cute daddy with the scavenger hunt! I bet Rhylan loved it.

Chris and Sue Knight said...

oh yes the scavenger hunt was a great idea Riley...go daddy. I can see that is was a fun trip. Thanks for showing the scary reptiles. mom

who's checking