Thursday, February 3, 2011


I made this fun toy for Rhylan last week. Its a top load washer and a front load dryer stuck together. I used 2 diaper boxes, packing tape, paint, water bottle tops, and some tools! It turned out so fun and cute. Rhylan washes her doll clothes her own dirty cloths and pretty much any laundry within reach. I also gave her this little basket and some hangers to finish it off. I love toys that help her role play/dramatic play. I have a bunch more stored up to make on another cold day.


Chris and Sue Knight said...

Zelda is really a pretty kitty.
So cool to have a play washer and dryer...your imagination never ends,
so proud of your skills as a mother.
love ya .. mom

Mauricio and Tiffany said...

You are so awesome! Man Your kids are seriously lucky!

Carly said...

ha thats pretty sweet! way to go sav. i like how you made them pink too haha and you and zelda kinda remind me of mom and zoe :) ha

who's checking