Friday, July 16, 2010


I have been working a lot with Rhylan on the letters in her name! We spell her name in the bath with foam letters, we use letter stamps to write it, we use stickers, and magnet letters. We play memory with these letters and any other way I can think of! It is paying off. Today we made a sign for her room. She found all the letters and put them on herself with very little help. She even remembered the order of the letters! What a little smarty:)


Mauricio and Tiffany said...

What a smarty! I like the pic of her using the glue she's very focused!

Mauricio and Tiffany said...

So about the 10-4. He was happy! He just wanted to play, he would only cry if Mauricio tried to make him sleep. And yes Mauricio had a pity party because it was his night AND I was feeling terrible. It was my first night with mastitis. So I was pretty sick. Finally at 4 Mauricio just couldn't do it any more and brought him to me. I could barely hold him I was so weak. But the second he was in my arms he fell asleep!! And that is the sad story. The next morning we called Brie and she came over to watch him for a few hours!

Rachel said...

Happy belated birthday! Don't hate me forever that I didn't say anything! I've been gone all week.

who's checking