Monday, June 14, 2010

SO gross!!

This morning I could see that Gracin had put something in his mouth... as usual. I reached in and scooped out a big SPIDER!!! So gross. One of the legs was still on Gracin's cheek:( I do not know if it was dead already, but I bet it was. Our cat is a great bug killer, not a great bug eater.

What is the worst thing your child has ever put in their mouth?


Rachel said...

I was going to say, I love the little scrunchie faces! Grady's been doing a little wrinklie nose thing too! That spider eating is pretty gross. I probally would have flipped out, but I have something even worse that Grady put in his mouth. I'm really embarrassed to even say this. Sometimes Luke sometimes goes these little tiny dry nuggets of poop in his underware, no bigger than a pinto bean. He has the awful habbit of letting those little nuggets fall out of his underware onto the ground random places around our home. Anyways, one time Grady found one of those little nuggets and put it in his mouth. Ewwwww! I think I might have washed Grady's mouth out with soap just for his own safety!

Angi Gerrie said...

Ewww.... that gives me chills... yuck. When Deak was about a year old, he got a banana peel out of the garbage can and started eating it.

Chris and Sue Knight said...

Gracin has been watching "SurviorMan"
good protien, I guess. mom

Margaret Pratt said...

Yuck! I am glad you found it!

who's checking