Sunday, June 27, 2010

We melted at the zoo

Last week we went and picked Riley up from school. We heard the zoo was doing something fun for members. They let Rhylan ride all the rides for free. The weather was really bad. I think it was 106*!!!! We stopped by the gift shop on our way in and got a squirt bottle fan. The poor kids were as wet as we could get them without throwing fits! We only stayed about an hour and stuck to the indoor attractions as much as we could. We saw the bird house, the reptile house, and creatures of the night. After wards we cooled off in the fountain. It was a great afternoon, and the kids' naps were priceless:)

Gracin was pretty much terrified of this ride once it got moving. It was going so fast I had to grab on to something so I wouldn't fall!!--I tried to take pictures of him during the ride but they were all blurry because of our incredible speed:)

Gracin's sweet glasses...We got them at Build a Bear. They are made for stuffed animals, but we thought they were too cool to pass up!


Chris and Sue Knight said...

they do look hot. You look sooo pretty in the first picture. your eyes are cool. mom

Margaret Pratt said...

What a fun day at the zoo! We will have to look at the forecast and go on a cool(er) day! Awesome glasses!

who's checking